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Town Council Minutes 6/18/01
MINUTES Page 1  June 18, 2001   


Council Chambers

Members Present:        Mayor Lassman Fisher
Deputy Mayor Havens
Councillor Aman
Councillor Burnham
Councillor Delnicki
Councillor Fine
Councillor Pelkey
Councillor Streeter (Arr. 8:40 p.m.)
Councillor Williams     
Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
Town Attorney Barry Guliano     


The Regular Meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m.; immediately recessed to continue the Work Session; and reconvened at 8:35 p.m.

5.     Public Input

The first speaker to address Council was Paul Oates, 44 West Road, who said he was present this evening as President of Wapping Community Church and, as such, to describe the proposed improvements anticipated for that House of Worship, how they were doing it, why they were doing it, and how it contributes to the Town.  What was being done, he said, and as indicated on the handout he had presented to Council


5.     (Continued)

Next to speak was Vinnie Wilson, 264 LeFoll Boulevard, and Chairperson of the Town
Referendum Question on Implementation of a Portion of the South Windsor Recreation Master Plan, said she was present to inform Council of the Commission
Stating that the Commission, at its most recent meeting, had voted to support the proposed Resolution; and was also in favor of the $6,000,000 figure.  Continuing, Ms. Wilson (referring to Agenda Item 17. O.) said that the Commission was in favor of projects #1. and #2.; however, the Commission had many questions on projects 3., 4., and 5. contained in this Resolution.  She requested that Council keep the Park & Recreation Commission informed because when the Plan was developed, it was developed with a time line.  So far, she added, these projects did not appear to adversely affect that time line
She reiterated that the Park and Recreation Commission, and the Master Plan Sub-Committee, were supportive, at least in part, of this proposal.

Mayor Lassman Fisher asked Ms. Wilson if the Master Plan Subcommittee continues to meet.  Ms. Wilson replied that it met with this proposal came out to discuss it with the full Commission.

Next to speak was William Krawski, 130 Buckland Road.  Mr. Krawski came before Council to inform them that yesterday, June 17, the
Claiming that his land adjoins the lands of Target and Lowes, for about 900 feet, Mr. Krawski said that he had discussed the possibility of this happening with Planning and Zoning and Inland/Wetlands, and all the meetings of development of Target and Lowes.


5.     (Continued)

Claiming that included in this flood site was a building used by the Democratic Ladies Club (offered, too, to the Republicans), as a meeting place for the Wapping Community Church business meeting, etc, Mr. Krawski said that the interior of this building was along the lines of the
After distributing pictures showing the flooding, and expressing his dismay at the damage caused by this flooding, Mr. Krawski said he
Mayor Lassman Fisher interrupted to ask Town Attorney Guliano if it was not true that the Town Council had nothing to do with approval of the placement of Lowes and Target Stores, nothing to do with the drainage, or anything that
Mr. Krawski interjected that he had already been to Planning & Zoning, and was here this evening as a citizen of South Windsor, and will return to Inland/Wetlands.  He was appreciative of the fact that Walter Mealy, Chairman of Planning & Zoning was at his residence yesterday to look at the problem, as was a representative from Inland/Wetlands.

The Mayor asked the Town Attorney where Mr. Krawski should be
Saying that he had gone to Target and Lowes, who sent down Servo-Pro (?) who, he said, is supposed to be the finest clean-up there is


5.     (Continued)

Mayor Lassman Fisher then asked Mr. Krawski what he was seeking from this Council.  He replied that if there is a
Atty. Guliano said that the bond is held by the Planning Department; and Council could potentially become involved in this issue if a claim is made against the bond
Again, Atty. Guliano said he had been told this morning that this issue is going to be addressed at P&Z
Mr. Krawski said there is no remedy
Again, the Mayor suggested that Mr. Krawski go to Planning and Zoning with this problem; and asked the Town Attorney if it would not be best that Council await the decisions of Planning & Zoning, and/or Inland/Wetlands Agency, as to responsibility and possible remedy of this situation.  He agreed.  The Mayor said that the
6.     Environmental Health & Safety Message  -  None


7.     Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

Motion to accept the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 4, 2001.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Havens
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

8.     Public Petitions - None

9.     Communications from Boards and Commissions Directly Responsible
        to Council  

Dennis Sheridan, Director of Youth and Family Services at the Human Services Department, said he, together with Ms. Kerry Weinzimmer, the Regional Health Care Agency Member and Chairperson of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Commission, were present this evening to make Council aware of the activities of
After giving the Council a brief history of the Commission, the make-up of its Members, and its purpose, Ms. Weinzimmer said they were present this evening to make a presentation of a cooperative project done at Timothy Edwards Middle School to address
Also present this evening was Mr. Dave Pearson, Assoc. Principal at Timothy Edwards Middle School.  Ms. Weinzimmer informed Council that a part of this evening
Mr. Sheridan then introduced the other members of the Commission who were present this evening in addition to himself, Ms. Weinzimmer, and Mr. Pearson.  They were Sgt. Tom Field (Police Department); Commission Member Joseph Kennedy, and new Member Kelly Weinzimmer.  Mr. Sheridan then named the other members who were not present; and reminded Council of its liaison to this Commission, Councillor Paul Burnham.


9.  (Continued)

Mr. Sheridan informed Council that, besides a
Following this, Mr. Sheridan then asked the Mayor to help him present a small gift to two students who, he said, did much of the background work for these two videos--Adam Cavanaugh and Steve Ferrardi.  

Following this presentation, Mr. Sheridan filled the Council in on the many other anti-drug and alcohol activities of the Commission.

Councillor Delnicki questioned the information contained in a hand-out presented by the D&AP Commission
Councillor Williams mentioned another excellent program that is available to everyone on the Web Site and that was called
Adding to this discussion, Mayor Lassman Fisher also mentioned a brochure called


10.  Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Mr. Galligan reminded the Council that the Route 30 Interchange program will be starting this September; and DOT has
Referring to the Bid Award on tonight
Regarding Agenda Item 17. O. (re. the Development of Design Plans, etc. for a Possible $6,000,000 Referendum Question on the Implementation of a Portion of the Recreation Master Plan), Mr. Galligan said that the Town
The Town Manager said that the Town Council
As of today, Mr. Galligan said, the Plans for Evergreen Walk were filed with the Planning and Zoning Commission; and would be
Councillor Aman said that a few weeks ago, he had asked for information regarding the comparison of South Windsor for expenditures that we
Mr. Galligan said he had not had time to take a look at this; however, he had received the

10.  Communications and Reports from Town Manager

On another matter, and referring back to a question posed by Councillor Burnham a couple of weeks ago regarding the mosquitoes on Main Street, Councillor Aman said he has received several calls regarding this same problem.  Councillor Aman
Quoting from a Press Release by the State Management
Councillor Aman said he did not feel the main concern was regarding contracting the West Nile Virus
Mr. Galligan said he would have Dr. Gerald Schwartz come before Council once again at its Special Meeting on June 25.  The Mayor added that she has been receiving the same calls regarding the situation with mosquitoes this year.

11.     Reports from Standing Committees

12.     Reports of Temporary Committees

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

The Mayor then informed the Council and listening public that the Town had made a proposal to the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund for installation and maintenance of a Fuel Cell at the South Windsor High School.  This is


10.  Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Continuing, Mayor Lassman Fisher said this was a new concept for municipalities; and, as the public is aware, there is a company here in South Windsor International Fuel Cells, which is a leader in the manufacture of fuel cells.   She felt it was a great feat for South Windsor to be a part of this program.

Communications have been made with the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund to
The Mayor then introduced Sen. LeBeau who was present at this evening
State Senator LeBeau said that one of his primary duties at the Legislature was to Chair the Commerce Committee.  As such, he continued, one of the areas of cognizance he had included
The Senator pointed out that, although there has been a tremendous growth at International Fuel Cells, there are two other fuel cell manufacturers in Connecticut.  Senator LeBeau said that the Mayor, the Town Manager, and the Superintendent of Schools has been doing a tremendous amount of work on this project.  

The installation of four (4) fuel cells, throughout the State


10.  Communications and Reports from Town Manager

The Town was close enough to the prospects of receiving $2 million from the Clean Energy Fund to begin to look at what may be
In terms of the project, itself, according to Mayor Lassman Fisher, what it would involve would be the installation of a fuel cell which would operate as an
The Mayor then quoted from an article regarding this project written by Superintendent of Schools Joseph Wood in which he said that
Mayor Lassman Fisher also pointed out another obvious benefit, and that is the significant number of dollars that could be saved in electricity
Councillor Williams said she felt this was
Mayor Lassman Fisher replied that the Plan being proposed, presently, is a 10-year Plan


10.  Communications and Reports from Town Manager

When asked by Councillor Williams what the plans were for the other fuel cells, Sen. LeBeau said they, too, may be installed in public schools
John Trocciola, International Fuel Cells, was next to speak.  Saying that he and the Company were pleased to respond to this need, said that this project, in parlance, was a
Mr. Trocciola again emphasized that this will be a
Deputy Mayor Havens said that it seemed the whole discussion centered on providing energy to an emergency shelter.  He asked why energy from the fuel cell could not be used
More comments and questions were forthcoming from the Council, after which the Councillors expressed their appreciate for all the work that had gone into bringing this project this far along; and for everyone
The Mayor promised that as soon as something definitive was learned from the State and, in particular, the Clean Energy Fund, she would report back to the Town Council and the Board of Education.


10.  Communications and Reports from Town Manager

On another item, Deputy Mayor Havens, too, brought up the subject of complaints from residents regarding the mosquito population.  He, too, felt that very few residents were worried about the West Nile Virus
Deputy Mayor Havens asked the Town Manager if he had, as requested, written a letter to the Board of Education asking them where they had
The Deputy Mayor then asked that someone from the Council to step forward and act as
Continuing on this subject, the Town Manager said that Town staff has a
All this, the Town Manager said, has been going on for about a year.  After that first program is run, he said, any Member of the Town Council or anyone in the community who is able to acquire a Producer, etc. can run a program.  Mr. Galligan felt that the Towns do not use the TV enough.  Once everyone is trained, Mr. Galligan said these programs will be conducted at the Cox Cable facility in Manchester.


10.  Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Councillor Fine then reminded the Town Manager of another practice that had been suggested some time ago
Other suggestions were forthcoming regarding subjects that could be addressed either at a Council meeting, or in the course of the extra programming being considered.  

Councillor Burnham reminded the Town Council of the Hartford Marathon coming up, once again, on October 13; and, as in the past, the Race route in South Windsor would include parts of King Street and all of Main Street, before returning to Hartford once again.  He said that, as a resident of Main Street, he and other residents of that area had been invited to a meeting at which Beth Schluger, Race Director, was present.   

According to Councillor Burnham, the purpose of the meeting was to address some of the issues the people on Main Street had with the Race
14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda

Motion to accept Agenda Items 17. A., B., C., and D., as the Consent Agenda.

Was made by:    Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was  Approved, unanimously


16.     Unfinished Business  -  None

17.     New Business

*A.     Acceptance of Suspense List

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council accepts the Suspense List as proposed and submitted by the Collector of Revenue, said List shown as Exhibit A., attached hereto and made a part hereof.


*B.     Resolution Authorizing the Close-Out and Transfer of Completed Capital Projects Within the Sewer Special Revenue Fund

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the close-out and transfer of two Sewer Special Revenue Fund completed Capital Projects; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the balance of $14,987 for the Pollution Main Pump Control project (Account Number 004-4000-4043-320), and the balance of $14,274 for the Above-Ground Tanks at the Pump Stations Project (Account Number 004-4200-4427-320) should be closed and transferred to the Sewer Special Revenue Reserve for Capital Projects (Account Number 004-4600-4699-320).


*C.     Resolution Approving a Transfer of $2,400 from Casualty and Liability Insurance Account to the Economic Development Coordinator
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the transfer of $2,400 from the Casualty and Liability Insurance Account Number 1920-9004-320 to the Economic Development Coordinator


17.     New Business  (Continued)

*D.     Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of $800 from the Casualty and Liability Insurance Account to the Debt Service Interest Account

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the transfer of $800 from the Casualty and Liability Insurance Account Number 1920-9004-320 to the Debt Service Interest Account Number 1710-7003-320 to cover the interest expense on bonded debt through June 30, 2001.


E.      Resolution Approving Refund of Property Taxes to Two (2) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a refund of property taxes to two (2) South Windsor taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $240.89, and as shown on attached Exhibit B.

Was made by:    Councillor Burnham
Seconded by:            Councillor Aman
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

F.      Resolution Approving a Transfer of $14,845.30 to Cover the Town
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the transfer of $4,023.00 from the Human Services Mini-Bus Account Number 1421-4240-000 and $10,822.30 from the Casualty and Liability Insurance Account Number 1920-9004-320 to the Capital Projects Fund; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the payment of $14,845.30 from the Capital Projects Fund to the Greater Hartford Transit District as the Town
Was made by:    Councillor Williams
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey

17.     F.  (Continued)

Before calling for a vote on this Agenda Item, Deputy Mayor Havens asked if this was the end of the present contract with GHTD for these buses; and, if so, was anyone on Town staff looking to the prospects of a new future contract.

Town Manager Galligan felt that there will be strong feelings to bring this program back, particularly if the lack of updated transportation affected local Senior programs.

Councillor Aman asked why these funds were not being transferred into Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditures Account.  Mr. Galligan explained.

The Deputy Mayor then called for a vote.  The Resolution was approved, unanimously.

G.     Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Karen Gano (D) from the South Windsor Historic Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council accepts, with regret, the resignation of Karen Gano as an Alternate to the South Windsor Historic Commission, said resignation effective immediately; and offers Karen its thanks for her service to the Town..

Was made by:    Councillor Williams
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

H.     Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Peter Plummer (R) from the South Windsor Library Board

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council accepts, with regret, the resignation of Peter Plummer from the Library Board, said resignation effective immediately, and offers Peter its thanks for his years of service to the Town of South Windsor.

Was made by:    Councillor Streeter
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously


17.     New Business  (Continued)

I.     Resolution Appointing Amanda Lisowski (R) to the Library Board, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Amanda Lisowski (R) to the Library Board for a term expiring November 30, 2003, to fill the unexpired term of Peter Plummer, and hereby tables the same.

Was made by:    Councillor Streeter
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

J.     Resolution Approving the Agreement Between the Town of South Windsor and the South Windsor Police Union, Local 1480

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the proposed
Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Havens
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki

Explaining very briefly, the Town Manager said that, basically, it is a 5-year contract; and much in the language has been
Referring to other issues related to this bargaining unit contract, Mr. Galligan said that as Council knew,

17.     J.  (Continued)

Another item addressed by this contract is that the carry over of
Mr. Galligan continued by saying that other language changes were being looked at which should assist the Chief in things such as
The Town Manager continued to discuss other changes.

Following the discussion regarding this item, Mayor Lassman Fisher called for a vote.  The Motion was unanimously approved.

K.     Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Sign a
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council is hereby authorized to sign an Agreement with the State of Connecticut entitled
Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously


17.     New Business (Continued)

L.     Resolution Authorizing the Close-Out and Transfer of Completed Capital Projects

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the close-out and transfer of all completed Capital Projects as outlined on the attached Exhibit C.

Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:            Councillor Streeter
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

M.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Execute an Agreement with Waste Management of Connecticut, Inc. for a Three-Year Contract

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor solicited competitive proposals for Residential Refuse and Recycling Collection/Disposal Services; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor received, on May 14, 2001, a single proposal from Waste Management of Connecticut, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, the Town has determined that Waste Management of Connecticut, Inc. is a qualified contractor

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to execute an Agreement with Waste Management of Connecticut, Inc. for a three-year contract based upon the proposal submitted.

Was made by:    Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:            Councillor Fine

After some discussion on this item, the Resolution was approved, unanimously.


17.     New Business (Continued)

N.      Discussion Item
Mayor Lassman Fisher asked Councillor Aman to commence the discussion on this item, since it had been he who had requested its consideration.

Councillor Aman first asked the Town Attorney if he would, during this discussion period, write an Amendment to the Resolution that would be coming up as 17. O.  He then described specifically what he wished to be amended.

On the subject itself, Councillor Aman said that he would like to see the Town go to Referendum, this Fall, for a bond issue to start implementing the Park and Recreation Master Plan.  To do this, he said, particularly in a municipal election year, would require in his opinion a unanimous Council to take a look at the prospects of having a Referendum Question and determine that
Councillor Aman felt that the questions Council had to ask itself were:  (1) Do we want to try to make a Referendum this November?  He was aware that, traditionally, Referendums have passed better in Gubernatorial Election Years and Presidential Election Years; but, again, he said he had confidence in this Council that the reason Referendums have
Again, the Councillor reiterated his feelings that if there is the possibility this possible Referendum Question could become a political issue between the two parties, it should absolutely not bring it to Referendum.  

Outlining what he felt was the timeframe that had to be met in order to bring these projects to Referendum, Councillor Aman said Council would probably have to meet several times during the Summer, because Council would be required to vote in August to review the plans and legal work done in preparation for a


17.     N.  (Continued)

Referendum.  He also felt that, in general, the Council has to be convinced that each can get its political party not only to support this proposal and a possible Referendum, but to support it enthusiastically.

Referring to the numbers he had used, Councillor Aman said that the $6 million figure was arrived at by looking at the upcoming Capital Projects Budget, and determining that in his estimation the Town could probably afford somewhere between $5 million and $7 million
Also not included on the list is an
Explaining that he understood that $6 million would accomplish only a part of what had been proposed, and that some of the work would be done through the Town
Councillor Aman said what he was asking in the actual Resolution and the bonding for the Bonding Counsel and the plans is that they be
The Councillor guessed that although the Master Plan contained estimated costs, those numbers were already two years old, and noted that the bids for Manchester
Continuing, Councillor Aman believed that our planning people should be able to come back to Council before the 1st of August with a reasonable updated estimate of what could be done with $6 million.  However, he felt the primary question the Council must answer is

17.     N.  (Continued)

Councillor Fine said she did not understand why the Town had to spend $50,000 designing Plans, when she was under the impression that all of this was done in the Master Plan.

Mr. Galligan replied that the Master Plan includes
Councillor Fine asked for clarification with regard to the purpose of the upcoming Resolution
As a point of clarification
Councillor Aman again reminded the Council that they were beginning to run out of time.  Councillor Fine said that, historically, Council has chosen not to vote on something on the same night that the proposal is heard in Public Hearing.  Councillor Aman said this would mean that the vote authorizing the Town Manager to go ahead with the design plans, etc. would have to be delayed


17.     N.  (Continued)

Councillor Streeter thanked Councillor Aman for bringing this item forward, and felt it was an opportunity for the entire Council to
The Councillor felt that the Council now had the opportunity to take some action on the new Master Plan.  He, too, felt this proposal should be
Councillor Williams, too, thanked Councillor Aman for bringing this forward; but felt that this was, as she saw it, the natural progression of these projects from the Capital Projects Committee.  It was her opinion that
Councillor Burnham asked the Town Manager if this was approved at a November Referendum, when would the residents begin to see the impact of the $6 million.
Mr. Galligan replied that the Town would probably
Councillor Pelkey said it was obvious to him, and he assumed most people who kept an eye on world finances, that
The only question Councillor Pelkey had was would Council be comfortable with only $75,000 when it did not know what projects it would be putting forth.

(Further discussion continued regarding

17.     New Business   (Continued)

O.      Resolution Authorizing Funds for Design Plans and Preparation of Documents Necessary to Develop a Possible Referendum Question on Implementation of a Portion of the South Windsor Park and Recreation Master Plan

WHEREAS, the Town Council adopted a Park and Recreation Master Plan for the Town of South Windsor on April 2, 2001; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to commence the implementation of a portion of those projects listed in said Plan
        1.      Lawrence Road Park
        2.      Veterans
        3.      Rye Street Park
        4.      Nevers Road Park
        5.      Miscellaneous and Cost of Referendum    -         1,000,000

for an estimated total of                                       $6,000,000   and,

WHEREAS, a possible method to fund said projects is through the issuance of bonds, if said method is approved, by Referendum Question on the November 6, 2001 Ballot.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to appropriate an amount not to exceed $75,000 to cover expenses associated with design plans, and legal and other expenses incurred with the implementation of the above-listed projects; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said funds shall be expended from the Capital Improvements
Was made by:    Councillor Aman
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki

17.     O.  (Continued)

(As requested previously by Councillor Aman, Town Attorney Guliano suggested the following Amendments to the Resolution 17. O.)

WHEREAS, the Town Council adopted a Park and Recreation Master Plan for the Town of South Windsor on April 2, 2001; and

(Remove 2nd Paragraph in its entirety, and replace it with the following.)

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to commence the implementation of a portion of those projects listed in said Plan for an estimated expenditure of $6,000,000; and

WHEREAS, a possible method to fund said projects is through the issuance of bonds, if said method is approved, by Referendum Question, on the November 6, 2001 Ballot

(Remove paragraphs 4 and 5 in their entirety and replace them with the following.)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a Public Hearing be scheduled for Monday, July 2, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor to receive citizen input on the transfer of up to $75,000 from the Town
Was made by:    Councillor Aman
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki

There was a brief discussion wherein Councillor Fine said she wished to

17.     O.  (Continued)

The Mayor then called for a vote on the Amendment.  The Amendment was approved, unanimously.  

Following this, the Mayor called for a vote on the Amended Resolution.  It was approved, unanimously.

18.     Passage of Ordinance  -  None

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)

20.     Executive Session  -  None

21.     Motion to Adjourn

        A Motion to adjourn was made at 11:15 p.m.; duly seconded, and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council
